P.O. Box 6215
Traverse City, MI 49696
Phone: 734-245-7414
Email: jason@eb-structural.com

Home Owners

Home Owners

Whether constructing a new home or doing renovations to your existing residence, structural engineering professionals save time and money when included on a project. Certain aspects of residential construction may require a review by a structural engineer due to permitting issues, department reviewer comments, or just for peace of mind for the DIY’er. Some typical services performed on residential projects may include:

Structural Assessment: Contacting a structural engineer when renovations are being performed can help ward off potential issues after the project has been started. This type of service is usually performed when removing a load bearing wall or performing work to a foundation. Adding an addition to the current structure will create additional load on existing walls and foundations that should be reviewed for any reinforcement that may be required.

Specifications and Design: When designing a home or making modifications to your existing home, a structural engineer can help with the questions of what kind of materials should be used? What size should the members be? How can that wall opening be braced? These are all questions that can be answered by a structural engineer by specifying materials and designing members for your project.

Design of Repairs: It is not uncommon for things to happen to a residence over time. Whether it is storm damage, settlement of the soil or damage from water or fire. A structural engineer can assist in salvaging as much of the existing structure as possible.

New Construction and Remodel Design: If you’re a homeowner doing it yourself or an architect who would like to have an engineer review portions of a project, a structural engineer can help size beams, columns, footings and verify assumptions for your project.

Contact East Bay Structural to discuss your project needs and see what we can do for you.

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